Diane Lee Moomey has lived and wandered around the US and Canada and now lives in Half Moon Bay, California, where she co-hosts a monthly poetry series, “Coastside Poetry”. A regular reader at Bay Area poetry venues, she has had work published in PoetryMagazine.com, Mezzo Cammin, PoeTalk, The Sand Hill Review, California Poetry Quarterly, Caesura and Red Wheelbarrow, and been nominated for a Pushcart prize. In 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2020, she won prizes and Honorable Mentions from the Ina Coolbrith Circle and the Soul Making Keats Literary Contests. Her newest poetry collection, Make For Higher Ground, is scheduled to be published later this year by Barefoot Muse Press.
Through Foothill College’s Community Based Program, Diane offers enrichment classes in Poetry Appreciation and Memoir/Storytelling.
Diane is also a watercolorist and collage artist, an experience that both seeds and is seeded by, her poetic imagery.
Make for Higher Ground (Barefoot Muse Press, Forthcoming). Poetry.
Nothing But Itself (Day’sEye Press and Studios, 2018). Poetry.
Figure in a Landscape (Day’sEye Press and Studios, 2014). Poetry.
Silk Road, Iron Bird (DAy’sEye Press and Studios, 2011). Memoir. Creative Non-Fiction.
Blurbs, Press, & Reviews
Diane Moomey moves through a poem, as often as not, through a kind of meandering, a seemingly casual process of observation that builds on itself until it blossoms, revealing itself as the gift of a passionate heart, cool mind, and keen eye. The work of a serious and riveting visual artist as well as a poet, Moomey’s poems are endowed with a rich, varied experience of life and a capacious imagination.
—Annie Finch, author of Spells.
Experienced by many, noticed by few, human interactions with nature are commemorated in Diane Moomey’s poems as she applies a graceful skill with words and rhythm to life’s storms and felicities. Hers is a solitary motion through houses, their corners and furnishings, predictably both familiar and secretive. Like the bright, protected places beneath braided rugs, her poems glow with the mysteries of hesitation, deep quiet, and tender emotion. Holding them up to light like discovered jewels of nature, she turns her memories and her affection for loved ones in careful fingertips to the most revealing rays of expression and form.
—Casey FitzSimons, author of Listening for Prophecies (2019)
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