Genevieve Kaplan is the author of In the ice house (Red Hen Press, 2011), winner of the A Room of Her Own Foundation’s poetry publication prize, and settings for these scenes (Convulsive Editions, 2013), a chapbook of continual erasures. Travelogue, a long poem drafted while attending Bloomsday events in Dublin, Ireland, was published by Dancing Girl Press in 2016. In an aviary, part of a longer series that takes Mina Loy’s prose poem “Ladies in an Aviary” as an inspirational, generative text, is forthcoming from Grey Book Press. Genevieve’s current projects include poems that explore the literal and figurative landscapes of the west, as well as a series of hand-woven lyric broadsides. She lives in southern California.
“The precise, crystalline lyrics of Genevieve Kaplan’s In the ice house reveal that wonder exists everywhere in the habits and habitations of domestic space. There is no beauty so small, so vernacular that it escapes the illumined attention of this gifted poet. These are poems to read the world by.” —Peter Gizzi
“We find ourselves wandering deep, deep into the world in this collection of sharp, startling poems—¬poems that often have a swerve at the end, sending us to the unexpected. The birds return, and the trees, and the ice, always the ice, but each time, new piercing details come into view. Though spare on the page, these pieces radiate a wealth born of Genevieve Kaplan’s unique and invaluable view of the world.” —Cole Swenson
In the ice house is a core addition to any modern poetry collection. —Midwest Book Review
The chill in the air, as Kaplan describes it, come out of the page…. It is a beautiful marvel of nature at its coldest, through ice storms and frozen gardens, while also subtly following the birds, perhaps the true protagonists of this collection, who “Rise before the sun, rise with / the sun, constantly” —Hey Small Press!
This book is a world one not only reads but visits, so palpable is its landscape. Even its air is different– —Eileen Tabios for Galatea Resurrects
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