Jane Satterfield (CNF, Poetry) | Baltimore, MD
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Jane Satterfield is the author of five books, most recently Apocalypse Mix, winner of the 2016 Autumn House Poetry Prize selected by David St. John. An Iowa Writers’ Workshop graduate, she is the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts poetry fellowship, the 49th Parallel Poetry Prize from Bellingham Review, the Ledbury Festival Poetry Prize, and more.
Her previous books include Her Familiars (Elixir Press; finalist for the 2013 Julie Suk Award for best poetry book on an independent press); Assignation at Vanishing Point (Elixir Press Book Award), and Shepherdess with an Automatic (Towson University Prize). Daughters of Empire: A Memoir of a Year in Britain and Beyond appeared on Demeter Press in 2009. With Laurie Kruk, she co-edited the multi-genre anthology Borderlands and Crossroads: Writing the Motherland (Demeter, 2016).
Satterfield’s poetry and prose have appeared in American Poetry Review, Antioch Review, The Common, Crazyhorse, Diagram, Hotel Amerika, North American Review, Notre Dame Review, Pleiades, and many more, as well as on Verse Daily and Poetry Daily. The daughter of an American airman and a British mother, she grew up near Andrews Air Force Base in suburban Maryland. She is married to poet Ned Balbo and lives in Baltimore where she is an associate professor at Loyola University Maryland.
Blurbs, Press, & Reviews
“From her brilliant debut collection, Shepherdess With an Automatic, to this remarkable new collection,
Apocalypse Mix, Jane Satterfield has offered her readers some of the most lyrically graceful and historically
reflective collections in American poetry. Always illuminated by intellectually provocative perspectives, these poems balance their raw psychological undercurrents with a calm and masterful stylistic authority.
Jane Satterfield’s work weaves the reader into its fabric of individual and historical circumstance, as well within the
dense foliation of personal experience. This is a powerful poetry of great clarity, urgency, and superb
—David St. John
“Jane Satterfield’s challenging new collection bristles with history. It is rich with unearthed, recalled, and
juxtaposed relics, whether of pop music, yoga poses, or implements of former wars turned vintage memorabilia.
Satterfield’s poetry enacts what one of the powerful prose poems here calls ‘this angel’s transmission across time
and space,’—and we readers are the beneficiaries.”
—Rachel Hadas
“What a terrible, difficult, contradictory world we’re living in. Thank god we have Jane Satterfield’s beautifully
conceived, beautifully executed poems to guide us.”
—Beth Ann Fennelly
“Apocalypse Mix is masterful and timely collection, urging the reader, and aspiring poets-of-witness, to examine one’s daily connection and larger history with resistance and struggle. Jane Satterfield’s poems do not ask us to engage with conflict and war from a distance; they smartly invite us in through our common landscape and routine and ask us to consider where we stand.”
—Emari di Giorgi, Tupelo Quarterly
“Jane Satterfield delivers one revelation after another — from her own young life to a world view reflected in
history. Each poem is a construction William Carlos Williams would be proud of — every line an arbiter.”
—Grace Cavalieri, Washington Independent Review of Books
“Jane Satterfield’s poems are intimate, graceful, and brilliant, composed around issues of social and political importance. Reading them, I feel I have made a friend whose company I enjoy and whose insight, wit and commitment I greatly admire. These are terrific poems.”
—Kevin Prufer
“Throughout her impressive body of work . . . Jane Satterfield explores the roles of place and gender in human identity. Born in England and raised in America, she probes what it means to reconcile the legacies of intertwined lineages.”
—Caitlin Doyle, The Common