Nicole Yurcaba

Nicole Yurcaba (Fiction,Poetry) | Baker, WV

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Nicole Yurcaba—a Ukrainian-American novelist, poet, and essayist—teaches at Bridgewater College in Bridgewater, VA. Her poems and essays appear in The Lindenwood Review, Chariton Review, West Trade Review, The Atlanta Review, Artemis, and many other online and print venues. She is the Assistant Director of the Bridgewater International Poetry Festival, an MFA candidate at Lindenwood University, and her research primarily focuses on Ukrainian culture, Ukrainian Diaspora in America, and gothic subculture.


Razorblade Kyiv (Red Dashboard Press, 2018). Novel. Fiction.
Hollow Bottles (Red Dashboard Press, 2016). Poetry.
Backwoods and Back Words (Unbound Content, 2013). Poetry.

Blurbs, Press & Reviews

“Yurcaba may have been “two and half decades too late” to say I Fought the Law in Manchester’s punk-scene clashing with disco and crashing into the eighties but how can you not fall in love with the image of her Betty Page bangs and combat boots huddled over a set of “tiny Sony headphones”? How can you not fall in love once again with your own passionate, teenaged reverence for music; your gods right there, shaping and dressing you in whatever version of fishnets and leather screamed I AM! from the depths of your soul!

In Hollow Bottles Yurcaba gives you leave to remember what is was to be young and in love, or out of love, to play until your fingers bled, to dance to Rusiana with abandon until the boss man begged you to stop. But you wouldn’t. You were burlesque. You were the daughter of Cossacks. You were the Sun. You were Eternal. You were painted by God with His fingers.
—John Berry, author of Wobbly Man

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