Robert Long Foreman

Robert Long Foreman (CNF) | Kansas City, MO

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Robert Long Foreman’s essays and short stories have been appearing in literary magazines since 2006. He has won a Pushcart Prize and the hearts of his wife and daughters. He lives with them in Kansas City.


Among Other Things (Pleiades Press, 2017). Essays. CNF.
Among Other Things (Pleiades Press, 2017). Essays. CNF.

Blurbs, Press & Reviews

Among Other Things is a delightful reminder of how satisfying it can be to watch a single mind roll over the folds of its own thinking. With neither flashy forms nor sensational confessions, the essays in this collection are beguiling, witty, and surprisingly surprising because they approach their subjects head-on and yet still manage to cast new angles of light onto what we thought we’d seen before.”
—John D’Agata, Contest Judge, Robert C. Jones Prize

“This is a most strange and sensational collection of essays! Robert Long Foreman writes prose so deceptively clear that the reader has no idea of being led to the still water’s edge, where all is deepening mystery, the harder one looks.”
—Richard Rodriguez, author of Darling: A Spiritual Autobiography

“This collection marks the thrilling debut of a writer who possesses that rare thing—an original and compelling voice. Through Rob Foreman’s lens, the ordinary world becomes delightfully odd and astonishing. Foreman is witty and intellectual, irreverent and curious, deeply honest and always surprising. Only a writer of singular talent can illuminate aspects of our world as if we’re are seeing them for the first time, as Foreman does in this splendid book.”
—Maureen Stanton, author of Killer Stuff and Tons of Money

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