Rosebud Ben-Oni

Rosebud Ben-Oni (Poetry) | New York, NY

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Rosebud Ben-Oni was born to a Mexican mother and Jewish father,  and is a recipient of the 2014 NYFA Fellowship in Poetry as well as a CantoMundo Fellow. She was a Rackham Merit Fellow at the University of Michigan, and a Horace Goldsmith Scholar at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is the author of Solecism (Virtual Artists Collective, 2013), a contributor to The Conversant, and an Editorial Advisor for VIDA: Women in Literary Arts. Her poems appear or are forthcoming in POETRY, The American Poetry Review, TriQuarterly, Prairie Schooner, Arts & Letters, Prelude, The Volta, among others. She writes weekly for The Kenyon Review.


Solecism (Virtual Artists’ Collective, 2013). Poetry.

Blurbs, Press & Reviews

Solecism is a smart, self-aware, and beautifully written book of poetry—a wonderful debut from a talented new writer.”
—Kristina Marie Darling on The Rumpus

“Ben-Oni…explores cultural trespassing in the midst of a multicultural atmosphere whose rigid categories create a dizzying and disorienting sense of exclusion for the speakers of these poems…”
— Anne Champion on Bookslut

“Yours Truly looks forward to her future work, to see it continue to navigate the twisting flux of her coexistent identities, to see which directions it takes her.”
—Diego Báez on HTML Giant

“The imagery in Solecism is striking, often startlingly; the voices are unafraid to speak challenging truths. Rosebud Ben-Oni’s work bears poetic witness of places both dangerous and real. The poems tap at the reader’s social conscience and heart; a tapping that continues long after the book’s covers have been closed.”
—Linda M. Robertson in The Fourth River

Between wordplay and wisdom, between lip and tongue—Rosebud Ben-Oni’s Solecism is reminiscent of the wordplay, tone and tenor of Harryette Mullen, yet Ben-Oni clearly owns her sole voice, her own edgy distinction and strong sense of sound. In this body of work, Ben-Oni is the dark bird— that sparrow, singing.
—Marian Haddad, author of Wildflower. Stone.

Where Ben-Oni finally lands pales beside how she sees the world through her tongue. The journey is all. And if you find yourself “unborn again… twitching in sin” or ‘tasting toadstools’ and singing the ‘discordant dark’, then you too may revel in that forbidden space of Solecism, reaping poetry from “what remains of the unruly wilds.”
—Amy King, author of The Missing Museum and I Want to Make You Safe

Ben-Oni dares us to wade in the currents of wrenching observations and hard-won epiphanies. These brazen, keen explorations are lit by intriguing desires that mirror and unearth our own, fueled by a deft imagination and wielding of language that rings deeply true. The world needs these tough angel anthems.
—Kamilah Aisha Moon, author of She Has a Name

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