Sheila Squillante

Sheila Squillante (Poetry) | Pittsburgh, PA

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Sheila Squillante is the author of the poetry collection, Beautiful Nerve (Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2016), and three chapbooks of poetry: In This Dream of My Father (Seven Kitchens, 2014), Women Who Pawn Their Jewelry (Finishing Line, 2012) and A Woman Traces the Shoreline (Dancing Girl, 2011). She is also co-author, along with Sandra L. Faulkner, of the writing craft book, Writing the Personal: Getting Your Stories Onto the Page (Sense Publishers, 2015). She has published work widely in print and online journals like Brevity, The Rumpus, Eleven Eleven, North Dakota Quarterly, South Dakota Review, Prairie Schooner, River Teeth, Phoebe, Cream City Review, TYPO, Quarterly West, Literary Mama, and elsewhere. She currently works as associate director of the MFA program in creative writing and assistant professor of English at Chatham University. There, she serves as editor-in-chief of The Fourth River, Chatham’s nationally respected journal of nature and place-based writing. From her dining room table, she edits the blog at Barrelhouse.


Beautiful Nerve (Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2016). Poetry.


Blurbs, Press & Reviews

“In these stunning poems filled with the weight and hungers of milk, honey, and sensuous blood-pulse, Sheila Squillante deftly slips between exterior and interior spaces of embodiment and intellect, quotidian and sublime, dream and wakefulness. With a painterly eye and an impeccable ear for linguistic sound and phrasing, the keenly-thrumming poems in Beautiful Nerve will rivet you with their quirky precision, and make you swoon with their wild and gorgeous music.”
—Lee Ann Roripaugh, Author of Dandarians

“The intricately telescoping tangle of these poems—like neural wiring, like arteries, like roots of plants—resists an easy decoding, offering instead a brilliant bouquet of “nervous yellow bloom[s].”
–review in Hot Metal Bridge

“This small, squarish volume with its dreamy trees is the perfect little package for Squillante’s strangely haunting collection. These poems, prose-poems, and nanofictions create an intimate place lit with precise, musical language where everyday thoughts bump anxiously against surreal scraps to make their own kind of irrational logic.”
–review at Goodreads

“Sheila Squillante’s Beautiful Nerve looks at the familiar and commonplace – a sparrow, a slant of light, the color green, a cookbook, bears – and essentially re-imagines them. They are still familiar, and yet, in Squillante’s hands, they had become something different.”
–review at tweetspeak

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